Dominican Republic
Press Release

CABEI supports the Comprehensive Development of the Port of Haina for the benefit of the Industrial District of the Dominican Republic


This is an automated translation of the press release issued in Spanish 

Santo Domingo, November 14, 2024 With the aim of implementing a comprehensive infrastructure system to mitigate flooding at the western bulk dock of the Port of Haina and improvements in the level of service of the port's logistical connection with the Sánchez Highway, Refinery Avenue and the circulation of the adjacent areas, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration ( CABEI ) supports the "Comprehensive Development Project of the Port of Haina ". Through an investment of US$ 100.00 million, this will be executed by the Dominican Port Authority ( APORDOM ).

The implementation of the comprehensive infrastructure system seeks to mitigate flooding at the western dock of the Port of Haina, improving its efficiency and promoting better connectivity with national highways. The project will include the revitalization of the urban environment to improve the quality of life in the area, benefiting more than 43,000 community members, generating efficiency in transit routes, reducing travel time, fuel and CO₂ emissions. In this way, by optimizing port operations, the area will be consolidated as a key industrial and port hub, boosting the economic development of the Dominican Republic.

The municipality of Bajos de Haina is recognized as the first Industrial District in the Dominican Republic due to the impact of its economic contributions through the generation of jobs, exports, internal purchases and its development potential. In the municipality there are 16 free trade zones with more than 200 industries that export to more than 40 countries.

The executive director of the Dominican Port Authority, Jean Luis Rodriguez, stated, “The Port of Haina plays a fundamental role in the economic development of the Dominican Republic, being part of the first Industrial District in the country. With this project, we reaffirm our commitment to promote sustainable, efficient growth that benefits everyone.”

“This project is an example of CABEI’s commitment to the comprehensive and sustainable development of regional infrastructure. We are proud to support initiatives that positively transform the urban environment and strengthen the industrial potential of the Dominican Republic,” said Hostos Rizik, CABEI Director for the Dominican Republic.

The implementation of the project reaffirms CABEI's commitment to improving sustainable competitiveness by strengthening economic, social and institutional factors that determine the regional capacity to effectively enter global markets.

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