Press Release

CADER signed an agreement with Climate Group to be the implementing partner of the RE100 initiative in Argentina


Machine translation of the original release issued in Spanish

July 12, 2024

The Argentine Chamber of Renewable Energies (CADER) signed an agreement with Climate Group, an international non-profit organization founded in 2004 that seeks to promote climate action, to be the local implementer of the RE100 initiative in Argentina.

RE100 members are some of the largest energy consumers worldwide. These corporations are committed to using 100% renewable electricity and accelerating the shift to zero-carbon electricity grids. Of the more than 400 entities included in the RE100 campaign, 76 have a presence in Argentina, which in turn is the third electricity market in Latin America. So the goal of the agreement is to mobilize more corporations in the country to address the political and market barriers that prevent corporate buyers from obtaining renewable electricity at a reasonable cost.

This collaboration agreement has been in progress for a year, including face-to-face meetings at the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28), held in Dubai (United Arab Emirates), as well as in the Climate Group offices in the city of London (England). “For us it is a very important agreement, because it allows CADER to be the vehicle to channel the interest of the corporate sector and help it become a reality. Based on the interaction with large energy consuming companies, we are going to identify the barriers that are delaying investments today. The private sector is, without a doubt, the one that can move at the greatest speed in relation to the changes that the energy transition requires to meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement,” indicated Martín Dapelo, member of the Steering Committee and coordinator of the Committee. of CADER Financing.

Based on this agreement, CADER and Climate Group will hold an event in Buenos Aires in which large companies interested in participating in the RE100 initiative will be called, in order to create equitable conditions for fair competitiveness, eliminate regulatory barriers and implement stable frameworks. to facilitate the adoption of renewable energy and create a market structure that allows direct trade between corporate buyers of all sizes and suppliers of clean and sustainable energy.

“This agreement provides added value to CADER so that its member companies can offer renewable energy services and contracts to the main actors in the energy transformation in Argentina; at the same time as providing local options for the large global players linked to Climate Group that have not yet identified the available local offer,” added Marcelo Álvarez, member of the Board of Directors and coordinator of the Solar PV Energy Committee of CADER. “As one of the largest electricity markets in Latin America, Argentina has a fundamental role in leading the region's fight against climate change. We are delighted to work with CADER to help large Argentine corporations gain greater access to renewable electricity and advance the decarbonization of the country. We look forward to welcoming our first Argentine companies to RE100,” said Ollie Wilson, head of RE100.

More information about Climate Group
More information about the RE100 initiative

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