
Chile launches tenders for public transport corridor concessions

Chile launches tenders for public transport corridor concessions

Chile’s concessions office DGC launched two tenders to build and operate public transport corridors in the Concepción metropolitan area in central-south region Biobío, which involve a combined investment of 8.85mn UF (index-linked units, about US$350mn).

The first contract has a 4.41mn-UF reference budget and entails a 14.2km corridor on a section of route 160 between the road’s intersection with Daniel Belmar street in San Pedro de la Paz municipality and the Escuadrón I industrial park in Coronel. 

The corridor will have bus stops, bicycle lanes and three underpasses to link the route with the coastal neighborhoods of Michaihue, Carlos Pezoa Véliz and Escuadrón, a tender notice published in the official gazette states. 

Technical proposals for the contract will be opened on June 26 while bids will be unveiled on July 24. Documents can be purchased from the public works ministry (MOP).

The second tender has a 4.43mn-UF budget and consists of a 9.3km corridor that would cover a section of route 150 between the General Bonilla roundabout in Concepción and the road access to Penco, and a stretch of the Concepción-Talcahuano highway between the Bernardo O’Higgins and the Paicaví intersections.

Works also include bus stops, one underpass linking route 150 and the Cosmito neighborhood, as well as service roads used for private transport near El Trebol mall. 

Technical proposals will be opened on June 27 and economic offers on July 25.

Details of the two tenders can be found here and here

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