Chile watch: Bond issues, capital formation, COVID-19 loans
The overall size and number of corporate non-bank bond issuances in Chile has fallen this year to lows not seen since 2010.
Against a backdrop of heightened uncertainty, companies have instead tended to opt for bank financing, the central bank said in a June report.
Authorities are working on measures to ease the corporate debt issuance process, to help spur financing via the capital markets.
Gross fixed capital formation in Chile will drop around 16% this year amid fallout from the coronavirus crisis, according to central bank estimates.
The central bank, in the report, expects gross fixed capital formation will bounce back 8.0% in 2021 and 4.7% in 2022.
A major proportion of investment in construction and public works has been reprogrammed for the next two years, the central bank said in a presentation.
Chilean banks have so far approved more than 150,000 state-guaranteed soft loans under the government’s COVID-19 financing scheme, which got underway in early May, banking association Abif said.
This corresponds to more than US$8.8bn. Ninety-six percent of loans have gone to micro enterprises and SMEs – key job generators in Chile.
Around 10% of applications that contained the requisite financial details were rejected because they did not comply with state guarantee fund Fogape rules and 6% were rejected because they did not comply with banks’ internal policies.
More than 36,700 applications are in the evaluation phase.
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