Press Release

Committee of Ministers holds extraordinary session to analyze ruling of First Environmental Court


By the Ministry of Environment of Chile
December 23, 2024

This is a machine translation of the original press release, issued in Spanish.

The Committee of Ministers, chaired by the Ministry of the Environment and made up of the ministries of Economy, Health, Agriculture, Energy and Mining, held an extraordinary session on Monday, in which the ruling of the First Environmental Court published on December 9, 2024 was analyzed.

During the session, the Committee of Ministers reviewed the scope of the court's ruling and resolved the following:

1. The ministers who make up the Committee will be disqualified from participating in a future session that resolves the Dominga project. This is because they already voted in the session that reviewed the project on January 18, 2023.

2. A consultation will be held with the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic to determine the composition and presidency of the Committee of Ministers that will have to decide on the project.

The Dominga project consists of two open-pit mines, a mega port, a desalination plant, a tailings deposit for the extraction of iron and copper concentrate, as well as a series of aqueducts and electrical transmission lines that connect different parts of the project.

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