
Council submits hwy plan to congress

Cimop, a council that brings together public works authorities from Argentina's provinces, has submitted a proposal to congress that would establish a national strategic transport plan, Cimop's permanent secretary Enrique Flavio Diaz told BNamericas. The plan identifies and prioritizes works in the highway, rail, waterway and air transport sectors that must be carried out in the short- and medium-term, as well as required investment. The plan aims to fill an informational void that exists in the sector due to the lack of reliable and up-to-date information, which has stymied planning and decision making, in particular in regard to cargo transport. The plan is a referential framework proposal, said Diaz, adding that they have begun preliminary talks with President Nestor Kirchner's administration. An information CD is available that contains a summary of the plan, while a book containing the entire proposal will soon be published. Part of Cimop's proposal includes stopping the allocation of funds from the transport infrastructure system's (SISVIAL) trust fund to highway concessionaires, and that funds be used to carry out provincial infrastructure works, and that the works - from construction to operation - be managed by the provinces. Diaz said they coincide with the government's decision to end highway concession contracts when they expire in October.

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