Press Release

CPQD launches Pailot, a Brazilian platform for the Artificial Intelligence of Things


This is a machine translation of CPQD's press release

Campinas, August 21, 2023 - CPQD is launching Pailot, a Brazilian platform for Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) - which combines Internet of Things (IoT) resources and Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools - with support and various specialized services offered in the country, in Portuguese. The initial focus of the new solution is on companies that have been seeking digitalization as a way to increase the efficiency of their operations and reach new heights on the journey towards the Industry 4.0 concept.

“The combination of IoT and AI brings important resources that favor the convergence and integration of the information technology and industry operation areas”, says Rafael Pacheco, product manager at CPQD. “With the Pailot platform, the data collected by the IoT infrastructure on the factory floor, for example, becomes valuable information for both the operational area and the company's IT, by enabling intelligence capacity and applications such as detection of anomalies, pattern recognition, prediction and recommendation models and even the decision for autonomous intervention”, he adds.

Several applications of this type have already been - and continue to be - the focus of projects developed by CPQD for the industry, using AI tools such as computer vision, machine learning and digital twin, among others. With the launch of Pailot, CPQD offers the market a flexible, secure, friendly, easy and quick to install solution, which can be customized for use in the cloud or on-premise and purchased as a suite or per application (module).

The new platform operates in data collection and organization, creation of business rules and integration pipelines ( low code ), device and access management and customized dashboards. Offers tools for data analysis with machine learning capabilities; Data Lake option, with capacity to store images, audios and streaming, and open API for integration with other software and applications. It includes cybersecurity, privacy and mission-critical features associated with industrial assets and their operating environments, and can also be integrated into private 4G or 5G networks.

"The combination of technologies and resources from Pailot allows extracting value from industry data, streamlining decision-making that can bring simplification of processes, greater efficiency, quality and safety to the company", adds Thatianne Mosimann, responsible for the strategic marketing of the new platform. She points out that an important differential of Pailot is the specialized support offered by CPQD, in Portuguese, in Brazil. “In addition to support, we also make available to companies various specialized professional services that allow optimizing the use of the platform, such as support in identifying and designing applications, executing integrations, as well as developing and deploying AI and IoT resources in industrial environments. ”, he concludes.

About CPQD

With a focus on innovation in information and communication technologies, CPQD maintains a comprehensive portfolio of solutions that are used in the most diverse market segments, in Brazil and abroad, and accelerate the generation of value in the digital transformation process, contributing to excellence organizations, transforming user experience, reinventing business models, security and compliance, and creating new products.

A technological reference in the country, CPQD is part of the open innovation ecosystem that has been leveraging entrepreneurship, through its notorious competence in Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Connectivity, Blockchain and Electric Mobility. CPQD is a 46-year-old private organization that delivers services and develops mission-critical product and system technologies that meet the complex needs of the market. These are results of its R,D&I program, which is the basis for innovation in its strategic themes in the future of smart cities, smart agribusiness and advanced manufacturing. CPQD operates throughout the innovation journey – from idea to implementation – and is passionate about technology that generates development, progress and promotes the well-being of society.

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