Press Release

Digitel presented its plans with a long-term vision


Digitel statement

This is an automated translation of the original press release issued in Spanish

At the meeting they highlighted the virtualization of their Packet Core to offer new products, the migration to voice over LTE (VoLTE) where calls will be totally IP through the 4G LTE network, the offer of fixed wireless access or Fixed Wireless Access ( FWA) to offer connectivity where fiber optics are not available, the possibility of providing transportation so that other companies can offer connectivity at home, the deployment and modernization of the 4G LTE network, as well as the future of 5G in Venezuela.

In a meeting held on April 6, Digitel made important announcements regarding the company's vision for the future. During the conversation, the president of the operator, Luis Bernardo Pérez, spoke about the 125 million dollars that have been invested two years ago and to date to improve the 4G LTE network, while emphasizing the change in the architecture of their networks to consolidate in data: “migrate to a completely IP network”.

Pérez emphasized the need to update network equipment to offer better products and new lines of business. This is how he commented on the changes in Digitel's central network, specifically with the virtualization of its Packet Core, with nodes in Caracas and Valencia with a geo-redundant configuration and an initial capacity of 150 Gbps each, to connect from there in the cloud. to all Venezuela.

At the same time, he commented that work is being carried out on the transmission network, which includes the placement of an optical ring from La Guaira to La Salle in Caracas and another concentric ring to the Simón Bolívar University with capacities of 400 Gbps, adding to this the main nodes of La Salle, Torre Latino, Bazar Bolívar and Torre La Castellana; to achieve a significant expansion in transport capacities that allow greater data traffic and the creation of differentiated services.

“Digitel's heart is transportation, from there all the other products are developed, from there all the Internet comes to be distributed to add value to each subscriber. From Digitel we want to provide a connection to the ISPs that are going to connect the home. These implementations will allow us to create high-capacity transport networks so that Venezuela provides connectivity to the largest number of homes, shortening the gap between operators that offer residential service, and in turn this will allow us to pave the way to have a network More robust 4G LTE and an offer of mobile services, and wireless connectivity in 5G in the bands in which we operate”, detailed the president of the operator.

The adaptation of its networks will allow Digitel to offer better telephone plans and services such as VoLTE (voice over LTE) in 2023, to provide a greater experience in voice services, since calls will not be made through the 3G network, but on the 4G LTE network based on the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS), which substantially improves its quality, in addition to many other benefits, among which WiFi Calling or calls through a WiFi network stand out.

On the other hand, the company will offer the Fixed Wireless Internet or FWA service, meeting the needs of the market to offer broadband solutions and a better user experience in foreign or suburban sites where fiber optics have not yet been implemented.

Regarding the evolution towards the 5G network in the short term, Pérez highlighted that Digitel has more than 770 stations ready for the fifth generation and that its 1800 and 900 MHz bands are authorized. “The possibility of having this network depends on all the technological adaptations that the company plans to carry out in the short and medium term, which also includes the placement of more stations in 4G LTE and the migration of current clients in the 3G network to fourth generation networks” concluded Pérez.

The operator highlighted its commitment to the quality of the service it provides to users and is focusing its actions on the quality of the network and on the efforts made by its customers, to offer solutions and channels that allow them to feel increasingly satisfied. In 2022 Digitel will be the ally to accelerate the progress of the telecommunications industry in Venezuela.

This and all information about Digitel is available on its website as well as on its social networks @digitel412 on Instagram and Digitel 412 on Facebook.

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