Haiti , Nicaragua , Dominican Republic , Guatemala , Panama , Honduras , Costa Rica , Paraguay , Uruguay , Bolivia , El Salvador , Chile , Peru , Ecuador and Colombia
Press Release

Dominican Republic assumes pro tempore presidency of the Renewables Initiative in Latin America and the Caribbean (RELAC)

Dominican Republic assumes pro tempore presidency of the Renewables Initiative in Latin America and the Caribbean (RELAC)

This MEM release was published using machine translation.

The Dominican Republic and Ecuador assumed the pro tempore presidency of the Renewables Initiative in Latin America and the Caribbean (RELAC), a forum that was born within the framework of the United Nations Climate Action Summit to accelerate the carbon-neutrality of the electricity systems of the region, stimulate the creation of green jobs and improve air quality and its effects on the health of citizens.

Since it emerged in 2019 to date, 15 countries have joined the initiative that aims to achieve at least 70% renewable energy in Latin American and Caribbean countries by 2030.

During the pro tempore presidency, the Dominican Republic and Ecuador will work in coordination with the RELAC Governance Committee, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), which occupies the technical secretariat, and the Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE), in charge of the system of monitoring, to improve the resilience, competitiveness and sustainability of electricity systems in the region.

In addition, they contemplate coordinating the signing of cooperation agreements with international agencies to continue expanding the technical and financial support of the initiative and promote greater training in the region on new technologies, energy planning and other topics that allow progress towards the achievement of the objectives. common.

“We hope to hold inter-institutional workshops in each country to detect and prioritize investments and technical assistance that have an impact on the participation of renewable energies. The idea is to have a portfolio of projects that includes regional initiatives, and that is the basis for seeking financing with the international community ”, it was reported at the most recent meeting of the Governance Committee, the initiative's highest authority.

Another of the key points of the work agenda that will be executed in 2022 will be the dissemination of the Initiative in the region, seeking that the rest of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean join the forum.

During the first meeting of the Governance Committee, which took place virtually, the Dominican Republic was represented by the Vice Minister of Savings and Energy Efficiency of the Ministry of Energy and Mines, Alfonso Rodríguez and Gustavo A. Mejía-Ricart, director of International Relations of the institution.

The pro tempore presidency has the responsibility of leading the initiative in general; represent it in international forums; moderate the meetings of the Governance Committee, the organism's highest authority, and organize its meetings, among other functions, in accordance with the RELAC Internal Regulations.

The Dominican Republic signed the Declaration of Principles of the Renewables Initiative in Latin America and the Caribbean in April 2021. The Declaration of Principles seeks to create homogeneity in the declarations of will of the countries to build a structured work agenda.

The initiative is made up of: El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama, Uruguay, Colombia, Chile, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Paraguay, Peru, Ecuador and the Dominican Republic.

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