Chile and Paraguay
Press Release

Empresas Lipigas and Omega Green of Paraguay sign an alliance to supply green liquefied gas in Chile

Empresas Lipigas and Omega Green of Paraguay sign an alliance to supply green liquefied gas in Chile

This Lipigas release was published using machine translation.

Empresas Lipigas and Omega Green SA, a biorefinery that will produce advanced biofuels in Paraguay and belonging to Be8 Paraguay, a leading Brazilian group company in biodiesel production, signed an agreement on Wednesday for the future sale to the Chilean company of GLP Verde or Bio GLP that It will be available in 2026.

Bio LPG is a renewable gas produced from organic raw materials, such as vegetable oils, identical to traditional liquefied gas (LPG). Therefore, one of the great advantages of this gas is that it works in the same cylinders, with the same infrastructure and in the same appliances that already exist in homes for liquefied gas. This biofuel adds to the tests that Lipigas has been carrying out since January 2022 with renewable dimethyl ether (rDME), another gas that is also renewable and carbon neutral.

The manager of the LNG, biofuels and green hydrogen business of Empresas Lipigas, Esteban Rodríguez, highlighted after the signing of the agreement that liquefied gas will continue to be a highly consumed and relevant energy in the country. “We know that the future of gas is renewable. In this understanding, at Lipigas we are innovating and evolving to make our core business increasingly efficient and sustainable. The plan is that, with the development of increasingly cleaner energy alternatives, we will reach 2050 with an offer of 100% renewable and carbon neutral products”.

For his part, the president of Omega Green, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, indicated that “this agreement once again positions the Omega Green biorefinery as an important producer capable of meeting the growing demand for low-carbon fuels. In addition to Green Liquefied Gas, the Omega Green project will be a biorefinery for the production of advanced biofuels from vegetable oils and fats”.

Located in Villeta, Paraguay, the investment in the biorefinery will allow the group to produce green diesel (HVO) and aviation biofuel (SAF), in addition to green naphtha, providing products that help drive the decarbonization of key transport sectors such as aviation and road transport.

The complex will have a production capacity of 20,000 barrels per day. The stages of the engineering project, the granting of the municipal construction license and the Paraguayan environmental licenses have already been completed. The civil construction of the plant should begin in 2023 and has an execution period of up to 3 years. The production of biofuels is planned for the year 2026.

other energies

Some of the other initiatives that Lipigas is working on is the creation of a long-distance cargo transportation green corridor for trucks powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG) that connects Lima and Puerto Montt through natural gas service stations to heavy transport. In addition to the two current stations in the Valparaíso and Maule Regions, the company plans to open another in the Metropolitan Region in 2023 and in 2024 in Coquimbo and Antofagasta. It is also making progress in replacing LNG with Bio LNG, a 100% renewable and carbon-neutral fuel designed, in a first phase, for long-haul trucks.

About Be8

Be8 is a Brazilian company founded in 2005 and the Brazilian leader in the production of biodiesel. In addition to two production units in Brazil, one in Passo Fundo (RS) and another in Marialva (PR), the group also has a production unit in Switzerland and Paraguay, in addition to the investment in the Omega Green biorefinery in that country. The company also announced in 2022 the investment in the first large-scale ethanol plant in Rio Grande do Sul.

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