Executive approves update of the National Energy Policy with more than 200 short-term goals
This MOPC release was published using machine translation.
This morning, after a meeting with the President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, the approval of the update of the National Energy Policy to 2050 was officially reported, with more than 200 short-term goals established.
The announcement was made within the framework of a press conference in Mburuvicha Roga, an occasion in which the Minister of Public Works and Communications, Eng. Claudia Centurión, and the Vice Minister of Mines and Energy, Mauricio Bejarano, provided some details related to this issue. .
During her intervention, the head of the MOPC indicated that this update – a product of the Energy Roundtable made up of several ministers of the Executive and directors of entities – was approved today by the President of the Republic, to later be socialized once the respective decree is issued. .
Participation of electromobility
The minister commented that within this updated policy, sustainable mobility is taken into account, such as electric public transport, incorporating, based on new definitions and the approval of all mechanisms, the possibility that this could be a reality and that we have in the short term a fleet of electric buses within the system. “It is very good news because from this vision that this updated policy presents to us, a firm commitment is already generated that electromobility in public transport is a reality,” he said.
Other short-term goals
For his part, Vice Minister Bejarano indicated that another important challenge in the short term is to give a greater participation to national electrical energy and, mainly, to the energy integration of both electricity and gas through the gas pipeline that will unite Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil. .
At another time, he referred to the work that is going to be done in terms of bioenergy, taking into account its predominant role, and the task of insisting on reforestation for energy purposes so that the industry does not lose competitiveness, seeking substitutions where possible.
Regarding biofuels, he maintained that they will have a leading role in reducing the consumption of fossil fuels that are brought in from abroad. This with the increase in the mix, the greater production of biofuels and everything that is bioenergy in particular.
Furthermore, another important objective for the future is to look for national hydrocarbons to achieve greater competitiveness, especially so that natural gas can be used by the industry, generating electrical energy that keeps us as a support and base for alternative energy that is intended to increase very aggressively. . "In the very short term we are going to be launching the first tender for 140 megawatts of photovoltaic solar, which will be the first of many other tenders that will come to increase and diversify our generation matrix with other types of alternative technologies," he stressed, while pointing out that there are currently more than 300 short and medium-term goals compared to the last update that pointed to 2040.
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