
Flame rekindled for US$96mn Peru hydro project

Flame rekindled for US$96mn Peru hydro project

Development of a 34MW hydro complex in Peru’s southern region of Moquegua will move forward.

In a regulatory filing, Empresa de Generación Eléctrica del Sur (Egesur) said its board approved an agreement to advance projects Moquegua 1 (15.3MW) and 3 (18.7MW), which would use water from the Torata river and cost US$45.4mn and US$50.9mn, respectively.

Additional details were not disclosed, but the latest information from energy and mining investment regulator Osinergmin shows that the energy and mines ministry is reviewing a request submitted by Egesur in April to begin commercial operations in 2028.

The company signed a definitive concession contract for the project in 2021 and commercial operations were slated to begin this year.

Egesur invoked force majeure, however, due to the state of emergency on account of COVID-19.

Detailed engineering and electromechanical works with basic engineering have been completed and power grid coordinator COES previously approved the pre-operational study for the Moquegua complex.

Other approvals include the project’s water use and semi-detailed environmental impact studies.

Egesur already operates hydros Aricota 1 (23.8MW) and 2 (11.9MW) and the 22.9MW natural gas-fired Independencia plant.

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