Press Release

GEB's Enlaza delivers the first section of the Southwestern Reinforcement

GEB's Enlaza delivers the first section of the Southwestern Reinforcement

This press release from Grupo Energía Bogotá (GEB) was translated from Spanish by an automated system

This weekend the first of three sections of the momentous 500 kV Reinforcement Suroccidental (RSO) project came into operation, with the energization by Enlaza of its 179 kilometers of electrical energy transmission line, which connect from this moment and through 329 towers at the Heliconia substations, in Antioquia, and La Virginia, in Pereira, Risaralda, for the initial benefit of this region of southwestern Colombia. The transmission capacity of this project is close to 2,000 MW, which represents around 10% of the installed energy capacity in the country.

This infrastructure of the subsidiary of Grupo Energía Bogotá (GEB), which has an environmental license and is already built, will allow the company to expand its coverage of the supply of electrical energy in the country; strengthen the National Transmission System, and improve the quality of life of thousands of homes, by providing them with a more reliable and secure service.

"With the delivery of this first section of the Refuerzo Suroccidental project we complete a milestone in the transmission of electrical energy for the departments of Antioquia, Caldas, Risaralda and Valle del Cauca. Thus we advance in the fair energy transition that Colombia needs, increasing the installed capacity of transmission lines in the country," said Juan Ricardo Ortega, president of the GEB.

The Southwestern Reinforcement project arose from a need identified by the National Government, through its Mining-Energy Planning Unit (Upme), seeking to address the increase in demand for the service in southwestern Colombia, a region that is not self-sufficient. in terms of generation and, therefore, increasingly requires the transportation of energy generated in other parts of the nation to ensure the reliability of the service.

"Energizing the Heliconia - La Virginia transmission line is the result of months of hard work by the Enlaza teams and their contractors, who overcame technical challenges and reached places of great difficulty, due to climatic and topographic conditions. Everything this, in order to deliver to the country one of the most important high voltage lines for the region and its inhabitants," said Fredy Zuleta, General Manager of Enlaza.

It is important to note that, during the construction of this first section, Enlaza executed 69 social investment projects in the areas of influence of the line, for the benefit of 73 communities, with initiatives such as solar road lighting, playgrounds and improvements in sports infrastructure. , among other. In addition, he led strategies to benefit the recovery of essential ecosystems in the supply and storage of fresh water, provide habitats and food for fauna, and contribute to the recovery of biodiversity.

About the project

The fundamental purpose of the project, upon completion, is to bring from Antioquia energies produced from friendlier and more economical sources, such as hydraulic energy that is being taken to the coffee region and the southwest of the country, where there are thermal plants that have environmental impacts. and a higher generation cost.

Reuerzo Suroccidental will have a total of 423 kilometers of electric power transmission lines, divided into three sections; It will pass through 36 municipalities in the departments of Antioquia, Caldas, Risaralda and Valle del Cauca and will include the expansion of the Heliconia, La Virginia and San Marcos 500 kV and Alférez 230 kV substations, as well as the construction of the new Alférez 500 kV substation.

Regarding the two remaining lines, to date the Alférez - San Marcos section, in Valle del Cauca, has an environmental license and is advancing in the construction stage; while the La Virginia (Risaralda) - Alférez (Valle del Cauca) section is in the process of obtaining the corresponding environmental license, a fundamental part of this process to be able to bring all the energy that comes from Antioquia to the Colombian southwest and receive the benefits. of the project.

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