Press Release

Hand in hand with an Argentine startup, Mercado Libre lands in the world of real estate investments


By simplestate

Buenos Aires, November 2022.- Mercado Libre, the leading e-commerce company in Latin America, enters the world of investments through an alliance with Simplestate, the digital real estate investment startup. Based on this agreement, Mercado Libre will now not only help to find a property, but will also provide the opportunity to make a first investment in a property, thanks to the projects offered by Simplestate, and thus consolidate itself in the world of finance.

With the aim of diversifying its savings and investment proposals, Simplestate will have an "Investments" section on the Mercado Libre platform where you can find the most important projects of the company, being able to invest in pesos and earn in dollars. “With Simplestate we want to continue building the new generation of investors by offering new channels and investment tools. From now on, this type of investment can be accessed from the Mercado Libre portal, which is generally inaccessible due to its high values. By investing from US$10,000 in Simplestate projects, a person becomes an investor in a safe market, with earnings of up to 10% per year in dollars”, says Gonzalo Abalsamo, founder and CEO of Simplestate.

Simplestate has more than 40 real estate projects in which to invest, offering stable and tangible support as it is a property and which provides a lot of security when making the investment. The company offers three investment alternatives to capitalize on savings:

  1. Flex Withdrawal: provides the possibility of investing 100% online, in 2 clicks and withdrawing the investment after 90 days.
  2. Final income: allows you to put money to work in the medium and long term. Once the project is finished, the initial investment is received plus a plus of profitability.
  3. Rental income: a return is obtained in dollars every month and then with the final sale of the project.
  4. Guaranteed liquidity: offers a profit with a guaranteed rate of return and the possibility of withdrawing the money when needed.

“Traditionally in Argentina, properties have always been chosen as a savings mechanism, since they are real assets and valued in dollars. However, to acquire a property requires a large amount of money. Given this difficulty, continuing to add new channels and investment opportunities makes it an excellent alternative in times of crisis," adds Abalsamo.

web3 investors - The new generation of savers

The startup created 3 years ago by Gonzalo Abalsamo and Joaquín Sepulveda Lemus has registered strong growth in the number of young people who began to invest through the platform in the real estate market from its beginnings until today. Taking into account the age range between 20 and 40, which includes Generation Z and Generation Y, Simplestate registered an increase of more than 1,000% in this age group in its last two years of operation.

If only the year 2022 is taken as a reference and according to the analysis carried out by the startup through its own platform, there are more than 925 investors under 40, far exceeding those over 41 years of age, which represent a little more than 400. Of these more than 925 young investors, the majority are between 35 and 40 years old and men predominate. “These generations tend to rely more on technology and not only to have information and educate themselves, but also to choose new lifestyles such as deciding what to do with their money or savings. Choosing how to invest are part of this trend”, says Abalsamo. “These centennial and millennial investors are much more risky and are informed through social networks, without the intermediation of advisors. For this reason, from Simplestate we decided to accompany them with new proposals and investment alternatives with secure support and with highly accessible investment amounts”, he adds.

With the arrival of Simplestate at Mercado Libre, the investment company wants to make available to the thousands of users of the platform the possibility of investing in an easy, fast and safe way in real estate projects and with investments tailored to the objectives and needs of each investor.

About Simplestate

Simplestate is the only 100% national real estate investment company in Argentina whose mission is to change the way money grows, providing savings and investment solutions that were previously restricted to a few.

The company began its operations in 2019 and currently has more than 40 projects in its portfolio and more than 20,000 users. It offers projects in Argentina, Uruguay and the United States, in which you can invest in pesos, dollars or cryptocurrencies. With the incorporation of this last means of payment, Simplestate, becomes the first company in the region that allows investing in real estate with stablecoins.

In 2021, it was recognized by Linkedin as one of the 10 most promising startups in Argentina and recently chosen by Endeavor, the most important global community of entrepreneurs, among more than 100 companies to participate in the prestigious #ScaleUp program.

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