Brazil and Paraguay
Press Release

Itaipu surpasses another daily production record and the Ande system reaches its peak demand


This Itaipu release was published using machine translation.

The ITAIPU Hydroelectric Power Plant once again achieved this Monday, December 18, a record of daily production of electrical energy with 320,950 MWh, with an average power of 13,374 MW and the maximum hourly production with 14,045 MWh/h in the period from 9:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., according to the report of the Operation Superintendency, dependent on the Technical Directorate of the Entity.

Likewise, also yesterday at 1:58 p.m., the record for Instantaneous Power Demand of the National Interconnected System (SIN) was surpassed for the sixth time this year with a value of 4,744 MW. Of this amount, the largest contribution was again made by the ITAIPU with 3,339 MW of power in the aforementioned time, as reported by the National Electricity Administration (ANDE).

For its part, the Yacyretá Hydroelectric Plant injected 1,258 MW into the system and the Acaray Hydroelectric Plant contributed 163 MW, in addition to another 16 MW corresponding to the sale to the Argentine market. This new peak of local consumption exceeds that recorded last Friday, December 15, when the figure of 4,585 MW was reached at 1:44 p.m.

The timely supply of the ITAIPU Hydroelectric Power Plant was in accordance with the requirements of the large demand registered, as a consequence of the high temperatures that predominate in recent days. Likewise, the behavior of the Paraguayan electrical system is highlighted, both in transmission and distribution, under the responsibility of ANDE.

It is worth mentioning that in the early hours of last Friday, December 1, the Binational ITAIPU also exceeded the Guaranteed Energy production of the year, established at 75,441.12 GWh.

These marks are mainly due to favorable hydrological conditions and increased demand from the Paraguayan and Brazilian systems, respectively.

The operational and maintenance efficiency is also highlighted, as well as the technical quality of the staff and the coordinated work between the electrical systems of both countries, optimizing the available resources to cover the existing demand from the interconnected system.

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