Press Release

María Elena: MOP to launch multimillion-dollar Route 5 replacement project on section linking Crucero-Iberia

María Elena: MOP to launch multimillion-dollar Route 5 replacement project on section linking Crucero-Iberia

Press release from the Ministry of Public Works of Chile

This is an automated translation of the press release issued in Spanish

The project to replace Route 5 is currently being awarded, in the section that connects the Crucero sector (junction with Route 24) to the Iberia sector (south of the town of Quillagua), for which the Ministry of Public Works will invest more than 19.2 billion pesos with sector funds.

The initiative is being carried out by the Regional Directorate of Roads and covers an area of 22 kilometres, including earthmoving works, asphalt pavement replacement, which includes a 7-metre wide roadway per section and 2.5-metre wide berms each. In addition, there are sanitation works, drainage systems, road safety, environmental measures, among others.

The regional minister for Public Works, Pedro Barrios, indicated that the project is part of the “Integration Process” of the Regional Development Strategy, which aims to promote the Antofagasta region as a business center and service platform.

“This initiative will allow us to improve the standard of an important section that connects the regions of Antofagasta and Tarapacá, as well as provide greater safety to users. This is an investment that almost reaches 20 billion pesos for an Asphalt Replacement, in the sector between Km 1,556.140, which corresponds to the intersection of Route 5 with Route 24, and Km 1,588.150, the name Iberia. This will benefit all users of Route 5, mainly merchants heading to the Tarapacá Region, passing through Customs, and tourists heading to the city of Iquique.”

The implementation of this project will allow for savings in travel time and operating costs, as well as improving the transitability and serviceability of Route 5 North.

The MOP also reported that the contract is expected to be awarded at the end of 2024, meaning that construction work will begin in the first quarter of 2025.

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