
May 2005 start eyed for Naucalpan landfill

Planners in the Mexico state (Edomex) municipality of Naucalpan aim to launch bidding in about two months for a 20-year concession to build and operate a sanitary landfill, a city ecology official told BNamericas. Based on the bidding timeframe, Naucalpan aims to start operations at the new landfill by May 2005. Concession responsibilities also will include opening the new 1,400t/d landfill and closing the existing Rincón Verde dump within one year of signing the contract The new facility will serve waste needs in Naucalpan, which has nearly 1 million residents, and smaller municipalities in the region. Naucalpan's public services department currently manages waste collection and maintenance.

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  • Company: Deproyco S.A. de C.V.  (Deproyco)
  • The description contained in this profile was taken directly from an official source and has not been edited or modified by BNamericas researchers, but may have been automatical...