
Mexico miners trust in dialogue with Sheinbaum's government to address challenges

Mexico miners trust in dialogue with Sheinbaum's government to address challenges

On the day of the inauguration of Mexico's first female president, Claudia Sheinbaum, the mining engineers, metallurgists and geologists’ association (AIMMGM) reaffirmed on Tuesday its commitment to dialogue with the new government to address the challenges facing the sector.

“We trust in an open and constructive dialogue with the administration of President Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, not only to address the challenges and opportunities facing the mining sector but also the role of the industry within the framework of a comprehensive vision of the country,” Rubén del Pozo Mendoza, head of the group that represents more than 3,000 technicians and professionals, said in a statement.

“Specialists in areas related to earth sciences, associated with AIMMGM, reaffirm our commitment to contribute experience and knowledge to continue practicing mining committed to the care and preservation of the environment, under strict controls of safety and health at work,” he added.

Sheinbaum, a scientist by profession, took office at midnight on Monday after a landslide victory in June as the candidate of the ruling Morena party. As a result, many of the policies of leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) are expected to continue.

The policy of freezing the granting of concessions, which has prevailed since AMLO came to office at the end of 2018, coupled with the slowdown in the processing of permits – mainly environmental – have continued to affect the performance of the mining industry.

Congress is currently debating a bill introduced by López Obrador to ban open-pit mining, which threatens approximately 60% of the value of the country's mining and metallurgical production.

Del Pozo said the mining-metallurgical industry is an essential pillar for the wellbeing of at least 690 communities and 3mn families that depend directly and indirectly on the industry, which represents the first link in more than 70 productive sectors in Mexico.

“We are confident that, in coordination with the economy secretary, Marcelo Ebrard Casaubón, and the environment and natural resources secretary, Alicia Bárcena Ibarra, we will be able to continue contributing to the construction of a more prosperous and inclusive Mexico based on the sustainable development of the mining-metallurgical industry that keeps Mexico positioned as the world leader in silver and among the top places in the production of 16 other minerals,” said the president of AIMMGM.

He also reaffirmed AIMMGM's commitment to continue promoting advances in research and the adoption of new technologies, with a view to improving efficiency and reducing the environmental footprint of mining.

For its part, Mexican mining chamber Camimex, together with the representative organizations of professionals and suppliers in the mining sector, extended their “sincere congratulations” to Dr Sheinbaum.

“We are honored to share your vision of mitigating climate change and promoting the energy transition as a priority for the country. Mineral producing companies provide the inputs for clean technologies,” Camimex said in a statement.

“As representatives of this sector, we responsible miners in Mexico are committed to becoming an essential ally of your administration in order to move towards a more sustainable country. We are confident that, under your leadership, our country will continue on the path towards prosperity and development for the benefit of all Mexicans.”

At the beginning of September, Pedro Rivero, the new president of Camimex, told a sector event that he believes Mexican authorities, especially the newly installed legislators, will show a willingness to reconsider the proposed ban on open-pit mining.

The fact that neither chamber of congress has debated the initiative in full sessions indicates it may not prosper, at least in its present form. The proposal was approved by the constitutional committee of the lower house in August.

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