Mexico schedules deepwater auction for 3Q16

Mexico's energy ministry (Sener) has announced the bases for the tender of deepwater oil and gas fields in what will be the fourth auction of Round One.
The ministry said the auction will be held in 3Q16 at the latest, and added it has sent the contract models and tender outlines for the fields to the national hydrocarbons commission (CNH),
Ten contractual deepwater areas will be offered in the auction – six exploratory blocks in the Salina basin of the Gulf of Mexico and four exploratory blocks in the Perdido belt.
The bases for the tender include the minimum income requirements for the state, determined by the finance ministry (SHCP), Sener said in a press release.
The auction will take into account the volatility of international oil prices.
Once the internal procedures have been completed, the CNH will publish the tender's details in the official gazette, Sener said.
Mexico has so far carried out three auctions: two for shallow water blocks on July 15 and September 30, and one for onshore areas on December 15.
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