Press Release

MINEM: Five generation plants began operations during 2024


This Minem release was pubished using machine translation.

The Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM) reported that, in the first half of 2024, 5 electricity generation plants began operations, which represent a joint investment of US$ 525 million and add an installed capacity of 597 mega watts (MW). to the National Interconnected Electrical System (SEIN).

These are 2 solar plants, 2 wind plants and 1 thermal plant (gas), which were built in the regions of Cajamarca, Moquegua, Piura and Ica; which will allow us to meet the growing demand for electricity and guarantee a continuous and secure energy supply for the benefit of the population.

The first on the list to begin operations in February 2024 was the Carhuaquero Solar Power Plant, with a capacity of 0.55 MW. It is located in the districts of Llama and Catache, located in the provinces of Chota and Santa Cruz, in the Cajamarca region, and the investment for its completion was US$ 0.4 million.

That same month, the Clemesí Solar Power Plant also began operations, located in the district of Moquegua, province of Mariscal Nieto, Moquegua region, with a capacity of 115 MW and an investment of US$ 81 million.

Likewise, the Talara Refinery Thermal Power Plant, whose capacity is 102 MW, began operations in April 2024. It is located inside the New Talara Refinery, required an investment of US$ 163 million and will allow the operation of the Units of the refinery's petrochemical process, while the surplus will be injected into the SEIN.

In April, the San Juan de Marcona Wind Power Plant also came into operation, with a capacity of 130 MW. It is located in the district of Marcona, province of Nazca, in the Ica region; and demanded an investment of US$ 164 million.

Finally, in July the Wayra Extension Wind Power Plant began operations, located in the district of Marcona, province of Nazca, in Ica, with a capacity of 177 MW and an investment of US$ 188.5 million.

The MINEM highlights that these electricity generation projects will contribute to strengthening the country's energy security, guaranteeing a continuous electricity supply, energizing the economy and diversifying the energy matrix.

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