Press Release

MINEM has brought electricity to 27 thousand citizens in 130 localities during the course of 2024


Machine translation was used to publish the following Minem release

The Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM), through the General Directorate of Rural Electrification (DGER), has completed the physical execution of 7 rural electrification projects so far in 2024, with an investment exceeding S/70 million, benefiting more than 27,000 low-income inhabitants in five regions of the country.

These projects bring electricity, for the first time, to citizens of 130 localities in the regions of Huánuco, Puno, San Martín, Tacna and Ucayali, improving their quality of life and offering them opportunities for productive development.

The works include: “Improvement and expansion of the rural electrification system of the primary and secondary networks in areas outside the concession area in 65 localities of the Azángaro district, Azángaro province, Puno region”, with an investment of S/ 29.2 million, benefiting 9,000 citizens in 65 localities.

Likewise, the “Improvement of the electrical service through a solar power plant in the town of Masisea, district of Masisea, province of Coronel Portillo, region of Ucayali”, benefiting more than 4,355 inhabitants.

And this is followed by the work “Improvement of 22.9 KV SET San Gabán - Puerto Manoa - Vista Alegre primary lines and networks, San Gaban district, Carabaya province, Puno region”, for the benefit of more than 7 thousand citizens.

The list continues with the “Expansion of the rural electrification service, stage II, in populated centers and/or sectors of the provinces of Lamas, El Dorado and San Martín, San Martín region,” and the “Installation of the rural electrification system in the peasant community of Higuerani, district of Pachia, province of Tacna, Tacna region.”

The MINEM reported that, with these projects, a rural electrification coefficient of 86.2% has been achieved at the national level, reaffirming its commitment to the promotion and development of rural electrification projects, since they directly impact the improvement of the quality of life of the population in various regions.

This year, the Ministry of Energy and Mines plans to complete the physical execution of 25 rural electrification projects, with an investment of more than S/ 356.6 million, with the aim of benefiting more than 146 thousand citizens from remote areas of the different regions.

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