Colombia , Bolivia , Ecuador , Chile and Peru
Press Release

MINEM transferred Pro Tempore presidency of the Andean Electrical Interconnection System (SINEA) to Chile

MINEM transferred Pro Tempore presidency of the Andean Electrical Interconnection System (SINEA) to Chile

This Minem release was published using machine translation.

The Minister of Energy and Mines, Rómulo Mucho, closed the Meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Andean Electrical Interconnection System (SINEA), made up of the member countries of the Andean Community (CAN), an act by which Peru transferred the Pro Presidency temporarily to the country Chile.

The head of MINEM recounted all the studies, projects and training carried out in recent years with the objective of the electrical integration process of the bloc made up of Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Chile and Peru.

"Peru's desire is to work with you to build solid and lasting relationships beyond borders, which will allow us to advance in reducing the energy access gap, reducing poverty and combating the effects of climate change" , concluded the minister.

In this way, Peru transferred the Pro Tempore Presidency of SINEA to Chile, which was received by the Minister of Energy of Chile, Diego Pardow, who will assume said coordination for the period 2024 - 2025.

Rómulo Mucho called on the authorities of the member countries to continue working on this process and redouble efforts to materialize the physical integration of our countries.

The Minister of Energy and Mines of Ecuador, José Miguel De Oliveira, participated in the ceremony; the Vice Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy of the Ministry of Hydrocarbons of Bolivia, Ronald Veizaga; the head of the Office of Regulatory and Business Affairs of the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Colombia, Juan Carlos Bedoya.

Also present were the secretary general of the Andean Community, ambassador Gonzalo Gutiérrez; the main Energy specialist of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Jesús Tejeda and the vice minister of Electricity of the MINEM, Carlos Estrella.

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