Press Release

MOP receives offer for the operation of the new Talca prison that contemplates an investment of 63 million dollars

MOP receives offer for the operation of the new Talca prison that contemplates an investment of 63 million dollars

Statement from the Ministry of Public Works of Chile

This is an automated translation of the press release issued in Spanish

The Ministry of Public Works reported that the Reception of Technical Offers was carried out for the New Talca Penitentiary Establishment project, mandated by the Ministry of Justice, which considers an investment of UF 1,400,000 (MM USD 63) for the authorization and operation of the facility that will have a capacity for 2,320 people deprived of liberty.

The offer received corresponds to Constructora San José and the bidding process will continue with the opening of economic offers scheduled for August 20. The award will be made during this year.

Minister López pointed out that “as a Government we are focused on strengthening our penitentiary policy and together with these infrastructure announcements, such as the concession of the new Talca prison facility, we continue to contribute to security in the region and the country. The prison will be concessioned to provide a better security service and better prison conditions by having more space for the prison population, as well as having services to support social reintegration, health and food. We know that security is a priority, that is why we are committed to the plan to build high-standard prison infrastructure.”

For his part, the General Director of Concessions, Juan Manuel Sánchez, valued the interest of the company Constructora San José, which appeared at the call and stressed that “this project is part of the government's security agenda and we hope by the end of this year is already operating.” He also indicated that after 14 years, when the last receipt of offers from penal establishments was, we have been able to converge on a model to advance penitentiary infrastructure. The new facility, which is located in the city of Talca, will have a total area of approximately 63,570 m 2 and 14 confinement modules distributed over three floors.

The establishment was designed and built by the Architecture Directorate of the Ministry of Public Works, whose provisional reception took place in 2023.

It is estimated that the operation will partially begin this year with an approximate prison population of 400 people. In that same period, the enabling works would begin and would extend until 2026, the date on which the facility would operate at its maximum capacity.

It should be noted that the concession project considers the qualification of the establishment and in particular of all the areas intended for the provision of services, this considers the provision of standard and security equipment, the execution of improvements in security facilities, among others. plays. Likewise, the concession includes the maintenance and conservation of the infrastructure and the provision of penitentiary services, such as support for social reintegration, health, food, among others.

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