Press Release

MTC launches project to connect internet to more than 550 public institutions in rural areas of Junín


This is an automated translation of the original release published in Spanish.


May 30, 2024 - 2:07 pm

For a more connected Peru! From the Jorge Chávez Dartnell school, in the town center of Racracalla, province of Concepción in the Junín region, the deputy minister of Communications, Carla Sosa Vela, inaugurated the broadband project that provides internet to 558 public institutions in 353 town centers in the department. The investment for the project amounted to more than S/ 326,989 million and includes the deployment of 1,845 kilometers of fiber optics. 

The initiative of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MTC), through the National Telecommunications Program (Pronatel), provides high-speed Internet service to 325 schools, 221 health centers and 12 police stations. 

The launch of this project is a crucial milestone in the MTC's efforts to promote digital inclusion for the benefit of more than 251,000 citizens of Junín region. “On this day of celebration, we renew our commitment to work for greater connectivity for all Peruvians, especially for those who live in rural areas and of preferential social interest,” said Deputy Minister Sosa.

In addition, 353 rural places in the same number of beneficiary locations will have free Internet service through WiFi. That is, locals and visitors will be able to connect to the internet free of charge from their own mobile devices. This will help reduce the digital and connectivity gap for families who do not have service in their homes. 

Sosa Vela also highlighted the extension of the MTC's interventions in terms of broadband connectivity. "This project is added to the nine that are already in operation in the regions of Apurímac, Ayacucho, Cusco, Huancavelica, Ica, Lambayeque, Lima, Moquegua and Tacna. In addition, in the remainder of the year we will add five new ones in Amazonas, Huánuco, Pasco, Puno and San Martín. With the 15 regional projects in operation, more than 7,543 public institutions will benefit, positively impacting the lives of more than 2 million Peruvians," he said. 

Also, during the activity, the medical center of Racracalla was visited and the use of the internet to monitor and digitize patients' medical records was verified. In this sense, Deputy Minister Sosa highlighted that the fact that public institutions are connected implies the improvement of education and health services, citizen security, among others. 

The launch of this initiative was attended by Lennin Quiso, executive director of Pronatel; Abilio Lázaro, mayor of the Comas district; Alexandra Reyes, general manager of OROCOM, and hundreds of locals who celebrated the launch of the Broadband Project.

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