Press Release

MTC: National Fiber Optic Backbone Network increased its contracted capacity by 195%



This is an automated translation of the press release issued in Spanish

The Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) highlighted that the National Fiber Optic Backbone Network (RDNFO) and the 18 regional broadband projects are key components for building an efficient and sustainable telecommunications infrastructure, essential for achieving digital inclusion throughout Peru. The current management of the MTC is directing efforts towards the sustainability and efficiency of this infrastructure, promoting equity and digital integration in the country.

At the Conecta Perú forum, the Vice Minister of Communications, Carla Sosa Vela, stressed that the RDNFO is a priority for the sector, which is currently working on an exhaustive study together with ProInversión to evaluate its status and ensure its long-term sustainability with a specialized operator, addressing technical, legal, financial and social aspects.

The Vice Minister also reported that, in the provisional operation, carried out by the National Telecommunications Program (Pronatel), the carrier service rate was updated to align it with representative market rates, improving competitiveness and its use.

“Thanks to this update, we now have 51 clients with a signed contract, which represents a 195% increase in contracted capacity since the start of provisional operation in January 2022,” said Sosa Vela.

He also mentioned that nine other companies are in the process of signing contracts to access the RDNFO carrier service, which will increase capacity by 5.3 Gbps and reach a total of 91.8 Gbps before the end of the year.

Regional broadband projects

The Vice Minister reported that there are currently 10 broadband projects in operation in various regions, providing connectivity to 2,563 population centers and 4,590 public institutions, including schools, health centers and police stations.

“These projects have improved the lives of approximately 1.5 million Peruvians in regions such as Huancavelica, Apurímac, Ayacucho, Cusco, Ica, Junín, Lambayeque, Lima, Moquegua and Tacna. In addition, by the first quarter of 2025, we will add five new projects in Amazonas, Huánuco, Pasco, Puno and San Martín, which will benefit more than 7,543 public institutions and more than 2 million people,” said Sosa Vela.

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