Trinidad and Tobago

New Port of Spain ferry terminal opened

The new Port of Spain ferry terminal, an TTD$18mn (US$2.8mn) investment, was officially opened in the Trinidad & Tobago capital, newspaper Trinidad Express reported. The facility replaces the country's old terminal, which had been operating since 1987 and had a maximum capacity of 200 people. The new terminal has 3,352m2 of commercial space and features an improved ticketing facility, information booths, specific boarding for wheelchair-bound passengers and also a 21-person elevator, among other features. Transport minister Colm Imbert said in 2006 the ferry service transported 813,644 passengers, more than double the 384,393 in 2004, according to the report. He added the government is conducting a feasibility study for a high-speed ferry that would link Trinidad & Tobago, Grenada, St Vincent and the Grenadines, St Lucia and Barbados.

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