Paraguay tender: 16 bid for Chaco water distribution contract
PRESS RELEASE from the Ministry of Public Works of Paraguay
September 26, 2019
(Please note that this is a machine translation)
In the Assembly Hall of the Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC), the act of receiving and opening offers from companies interested in the construction of potable water distribution networks of the Aqueduct to several indigenous communities took place on Thursday of the Central Chaco .
In total, 16 consortiums made up of Paraguayan companies, an Argentine company and a Bolivian company were listed.
Among them are the Agua Chaco Central Consortium, PE Chaco Consortium, HNC Consortium, Py Supply Consortium, Ysyry Consortium, Covipa SA, Asucor Consortium, Conagua Consortium, Civsa, Chaco E&A Consortium, Taivo SA - Constructa SA Consortium, Central Chaco Consortium , Caldetec Ingeniería SRL, Empresa Constructora Blacud Chacón SRL and Sociedad Constructora Chaco SA
This is the International Public Tender with ID: 343693, “Construction of Drinking Water Supply Networks for Indigenous Communities and minor localities benefiting from the Central Chaco Aqueduct Project”, project funded by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), within the framework of the Sanitation and Drinking Water Program for the Chaco and Intermediate Cities of the Eastern Region of Paraguay.
The objective of the call is the distribution of drinking water to the indigenous communities affected by the Aqueduct, second stage and minor cities, such as: Villa Choferes del Chaco, Cruce Los Pioneros, Tte. Irala Fernández and peripheral indigenous communities of the Cities of Philadelphia and Neuland.
The works tendered on this occasion are divided into three lots (North Front, Intermediate and South Front), where the construction of adductors, distribution networks and elevated tanks in the indigenous communities that will be benefited is projected.
It should be noted that the Aqueduct project is a work long desired by the inhabitants of the Western Region of Paraguay (Chaco), an area characterized by the lack of surface water and the presence of groundwater with high salt content, which does not Suitable for human consumption.
The works developed are divided into 3 stages:
The first phase consists of making potable water available in the center of the Chaco, for which a raw water outlet of the Paraguay River has been built, in the city of Puerto Casado, a water treatment plant (water purification) and facilities for the discharge of treated water to reservoirs located in the town of Loma Plata.
This stage is financed exclusively with funds from the Paraguayan State. Currently, the adducer Puerto Casado-Loma Plata is running, with an extension of about 202 km, which is expected to be completed by the end of this year.
The second stage consists of the construction of the adductor Loma Plata –Pesempoó, as well as an elevated tank and the distribution network for this indigenous community located on the outskirts of Loma Plata. It also includes the transport of water to 3 other urban centers: Philadelphia, Neuland and Lolita.
Finally, stage three includes the distribution of drinking water to the affected indigenous communities and which is the object of this call.
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