Press Release

Paraguayan lawmakers seek to improve bill creating energy, mines and hydrocarbons ministry


The following is a machine translation of a senate release

(Writing: Press - Communications Department). Members of the Energy and Mining Commission, whose presidency corresponds to deputy Edgar Chávez (ANR-Guairá), in their meeting this week, focused on the bill “That creates the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Hydrocarbons.”

According to the head of the body, several proposals for amendments were received on the occasion, although they were not very significant, since they constitute "formal variants" without attacking the very essence of the regulations.

The institutions that submitted their proposals, as agreed in a working group weeks ago, were: Vice Ministry of Mines and Energy (dependent on the Ministry of Public Works and Communications - MOPC); Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MADES); National Electricity Administration (ANDE); Paraguayan Chamber of Mining (CAPAMI); and the Association of Geologists of Paraguay

The proposals presented will be discussed in the plenary session of the advisory committee, with a view to issuing the corresponding opinion in the near future.

It is worth remembering that the bill seeks to create this body as an organization in charge of developing, proposing, implementing and evaluating policies and provisions relating to the energy, mining and hydrocarbon sectors.

The objective, according to the explanatory statement, is to contribute to economic, social development and environmental sustainability in the country.

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