Press Release

Peru acts amid mining sector unrest


This statement from the Ministry of Energy and Mines of Peru was translated from Spanish by an automated system

The Executive published in the official newspaper El Peruano, Supreme Decree No. 008-2022-EM that modifies Supreme Decree No. 018-2017-EM, which establishes complementary provisions for the simplification of requirements and the obtaining of economic incentives in the framework of the comprehensive mining formalization process.

This Supreme Decree is a measure promoted by the Executive in view of the escalation of acts of violence that have been taking place in the country, such as those events that occurred in the first days of June in the Arequipa region, in the districts of Atico and Caravelí, which unfortunately brought with them the loss of human lives, points out one of the recitals of the norm.

The legal device incorporates a cause for exclusion from the formalization process of mining in the process of being formalized, with respect to those miners who do not carry out their activities in a peaceful manner, violating the right to life, integrity, safety or health of people. ; or causing damage to public or private facilities.

The measure invites all the actors in the small-scale mining and artisanal mining sector immersed in the process of comprehensive mining formalization to reflect, to execute and project the development of their mining activities within a balanced climate, putting dialogue and respect before an eventual difference of interests, as well as reproach any act that could alter it.

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