
Peru launches solar project, transmission infrastructure tenders


Peru power generator Empresa de Generación Eléctrica San Gabán (EGESG) issued a new call to advance a solar project in the southern region of Tacna. 

The work entails drafting the environmental impact declaration for the 82.5MW Pampa Gallinazos solar project.

The winner also will help secure environmental certification for the photovoltaic park, which is planned for Inclán district.

Offers for the 145-day contract are due September 6, according to procurement information available in the Documents box in the top-right corner.


For its part, the energy and mines ministry will accept proposals on September 3 to carry out power transmission projects as part of a reassignment process to fast-track the execution of dispatch infrastructure.

The ministry previously published candidate works for companies that fall under the scope of state business financing fund Fonafe.

The government established the mechanism in 2021 to reactivate complementary transmission system projects which are part of transmission investment plans previously approved by energy and mining investment regulator Osinergmin.

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