Japan and Peru
Press Release

Peru proposes an alliance with Japan to work on the promotion and development of renewable energies, electromobility and smart networks


Ministry of Energy and Mines (Minem) Statement

This is an automated translation of the press release issued in Spanish

The Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM) proposed to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (METI) the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation that would allow for the coordination of efforts between countries to promote and develop initiatives with renewable energy, electric mobility, efficiency and energy management.

This was expressed by Minister Rómulo Mucho when meeting with Saito Ken, head of METI, to whom he shared that Peru's participation in the LATAM-Japan Hydrogen Workshop 2024 international event, held in Tokyo, has been highly productive and allows important conclusions to be drawn. as it included field visits to research centers and production plants in various places in Japan,

“It has been very productive, in terms of acquiring knowledge and best practices about the development of the hydrogen industry and its various names; Likewise, addressing issues, such as the energy transition and decarbonization, has made us aware of the enormous challenges that lie ahead,” he stated.

The minister stated that Japanese cooperation will be very important so that Peru can advance in the use of electricity generation with solar, wind, geothermal sources, among others, in addition to promoting the use of energy storage, smart networks and integration technologies. of renewable energies.

Additionally, he expressed his interest in promoting joint initiatives aimed at maximizing the use of renewable energy, hydrogen in all its variants, ammonia and derivatives, such as e-fuel, in order to promote opportunities and accelerate investment in clean energy. and renewable.

"Our country has a high potential in renewable resources. There are 900 Giga Watts of solar energy, 22 Giga Watts of wind, 70 Giga Watts of hydraulics, 3 Giga Watts of geothermal energy among others, to increase our energy security in the long term, this within the framework of an energy transition towards clean energies," he pointed out.

The head of MINEM added that there are great opportunities for the economies of Peru and Japan to complement each other, and through a memorandum of cooperation this alliance will be strengthened, within the framework of the friendship that has existed between these nations for more than 150 years. .

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