
Peru roundup: Hydro project call, regulatory update, force majeure

Peru roundup: Hydro project call, regulatory update, force majeure

Peruvian power generator Empresa de Generación Eléctrica San Gabán (EGESG) issued a call for a project to expand the 110MW San Gaban II hydro plant.

The work entails carrying out a pre-investment study to install a third unit to increase capacity by 10MW.

Offers for the 150-day contract are due by June 5, according to procurement information available in the Documents box in the top right corner.

Regulatory update

Energy and mining investment regulator Osinergmin published a resolution, available in the Documents box, that updates the supervision procedure for power transmission systems.

The change is intended to widen oversight of performance indicators to include 500kV infrastructure as the current norm from 2006 covers 30-220kV. 

The watchdog opened consultation at the end of last year.

Force majeure

The energy and mines ministry accepted a force majeure request from Electro Oriente for the definitive concession to build the 52.4km, 60kV Pongo de Caynarachi-Yurimaguas transmission line and substations.

The company argued that a delay in the granting of easement rights has prevented construction startup for the project, which will span Loreto and San Martín regions.

Under a previous modification due to COVID-19, commercial startup was penciled in for June 2022. The term of the latest change is 821 calendar days, according to a ministry resolution.

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