
Peru solar capacity approaching 500MW with latest additions

Peru solar capacity approaching 500MW with latest additions

Installed capacity of solar plants in Peru has increased to 480MW with the startup of the 115MW Clemesí and 80MW Matarani parks in Moquegua and Arequipa regions, respectively.

This week, energy and mines minister Rómulo Mucho led the ribbon cutting ceremony for Orygen’s US$78 million project which began commercial operations earlier this year and supplies the national interconnected power system.

Clemesí is the second largest solar park after the 145MW Rubí plant, which also belongs to Orygen - formerly known as Enel Generación Perú.

And in recent days, Yinson Renewables brought online Matarani, which has a power purchase agreement with Orygen.

The country now has 10 solar plants in operation that account for 3% of installed capacity which is dominated by thermal plants, primarily natural gas, and hydro.









 Installed capacity in MW (Source: BNamericas and COES)

BNamericas is tracking around 100 solar projects in Peru, with capex for 86 projects totaling US$5.6 billion.

Also read He says, she says: Noise increasing in Peru over proposal to boost renewables

In a related development, Empresa de Generación Eléctrica San Gabán (EGESG) relaunched bidding to draft the environmental impact declaration of the 82.5MW Pampa Gallinazos solar project.

The work includes helping secure environmental certification for the photovoltaic park, which is planned for Inclán district, Tacna region.

Offers for the 145-day contract are due October 11, according to procurement information available in the Documents box in the top-right corner.

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