
Peru’s Amazon region to boost solar, storage capacity

Peru’s Amazon region to boost solar, storage capacity

Additional solar plants with battery storage will come online in the coming months in Peru’s Amazon, according to Daniel Paschini, head of EDF Perú.

The French group and Lima-based Novum Solar are partners in Amazonas Energía Solar, which was established in 2021 to supply isolated jungle communities and reduce diesel-fired power generation.

The new plants are in Requena and Tamshiyacu, Paschini said during a panel at a local energy event.

The US$13mn, 7.5MWp (9.6MWh storage) Requena project is touted as the country’s largest microgrid in construction, and the US$5.7mn Tamshiyacu project will boast 2.1MWp (3.4MWh storage).

Both plants are in Loreto region and fall under a contract with Electro Oriente.

Of Amazonas Energía’s 10-project portfolio, three are in operation: Atalaya 500kWp, Purus 220kWp (250kWh storage) and San Lorenzo 3MWp (2MWh storage), and five in development.


The EDF executive also highlighted the potential of pumped storage hydropower in Peru, particularly to mitigate the impact of drought through the use of closed-loop systems.

Although the cost may be more expensive, pumped storage can take advantage of existing hydroelectric infrastructure, Paschini added.

Fellow event panelist César Butrón, head of power grid coordinator COES, said the feasibility of pumped storage would not be that high due to possible opposition from communities.

Butrón was keener on projects such as those along Chile’s coast that would use seawater.

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