
Petrobras disqualifies sole bidder for FPSO contracts


Brazil's Petrobras disqualified the sole bidder in the tenders of two FPSO chartering contracts for its Sergipe deepwater (SEAP) project, in the Sergipe-Alagoas basin in the northeast region.  

In a statement on its procurement website Petronect, the national oil company said that IFM Construções e Montagens Industriais did not meet the technical specifications outlined in the bidding documents. 

The company has the right to file an appeal to contest Petrobras' decision. 

The disqualification did not come as a major surprise as the company had no previous experience in chartering FPSOs. 

The Brazilian contractor offered 49.4 billion reais (US$9.12bn) for each of the 21-year contracts for the SEAP I and SEAP II units.

Launched in April 2023, the tenders are for FPSOs with the capacity to produce 120,000b/d of oil and 10-12Mm3/d (million cubic meters per day) of gas each, with minimum local content of 40% for SEAP I and 30% for SEAP II.

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