Press Release

Petrobras signs agreement to sell Petrobras Oil & Gas B.V.


Petrobras press release

Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed on 3/8/2018, announces that its subsidiary Petrobras International Braspetro B.V. ("PIBBV") signed today a Sale and Purchase Agreement - "SPA", related to the full sale of its 50% interest in Petrobras Oil & Gas B.V. ("PO&GBV") to Petrovida Holding B.V., a company formed by the partners Vitol Investment Partnership II Ltd ("Vitol"), Africa Oil Corp ("Africa Oil") and Delonex Energy Ltd ("Delonex").

PO&GBV is a joint venture in the Netherlands formed by PIBBV (50%) and BTG Pactual E&P B.V. (50%), with assets located in Nigeria. It has an 8% stake in the OML 127 block, where the Agbami producing field is located, and a 16% stake in the OML 130 block, with the Akpo producing field and the Egina field, in final stage of development, without the operatorship of any field. The current production of the PO&GBV assets is about 21 thousand boe/day (Petrobras share).

The transaction will involve a total amount of up to US$ 1.530 billion, with a cash payment of US$ 1.407 billion, subject to adjustments until the closing of the transaction, and a deferred payment of up to US$ 123 million, to be settled as soon as the Agbami field redetermination process is implemented.

The closing of the transaction is subject to the fulfillment of usual precedent conditions, such as obtaining approvals by relevant Nigerian government bodies.

The sale of PO&GBV was the result of a competitive process and is part of the Petrobras Partnership and Divestment Program, in line with the 2018-2022 Business and Management Plan and its ongoing portfolio management, with focus on pre-salt investments in Brazil.

This disclosure is in line with Petrobras' disinvestment methodology.

Petrovida Partners

Vitol has a 50% interest in Petrovida. Vitol is a Dutch energy and commodities company and its primary business is the trading and distribution of energy products globally - it trades over seven million barrels per day of crude oil and products and, at any time, has 250 ships transporting its cargoes. Vitol's clients include national and international companies from the sector, including the world's largest airlines. It is also invested in energy assets globally including storage, refining capacity and service stations.

Africa Oil has a 25% interest in Petrovida. Africa Oil is a Canadian publicly traded oil and gas exploration and development company, primarily focused in Africa. The company's assets include a twenty-five percent working interest in the South Lokichar oil development project (Kenya) and a portfolio of interest in Africa, focused on oil and gas exploration companies.

Delonex, also with a 25% interest in Petrovida, is a leading sub-Saharan oil and gas company focused on exploration, development and production with operations in Chad, Kenya and Ethiopia.

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