Press Release

Power generation tests have started on the EMRE BEY ship

Power generation tests have started on the EMRE BEY ship

The following is a machine translation of a Ministry of Energy and Mines release

With the presence of the Vice Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy, Rafael Quintero; the General Manager of the Electric Corporation of Ecuador, CELEC EP, Fabián Calero Freire, and the media, this Sunday, September 8, the technical tests of the floating generation ship EMRE BEY began, contracted by the National Government, as part of the actions to face the energy crisis. This new plant will contribute 100 MW to the National Interconnected System (SNI), for a period of 18 months.

CELEC EP and the Turkish company Karpowership signed a modified contract that guarantees the temporary mooring of the vessel at the former Ecuagran dock, on the Guayas River (Guayaquil), whose subsoil offers better conditions for its anchoring given the difficulties in stabilizing the generating vessel in front of the Las Esclusas substation.

Operations from this sector have all the corresponding authorizations, issued by the Undersecretariat of Maritime River Transport and Ports, which reinforces the legality and transparency of this process.

Vice Minister Rafael Quintero clarified that the operation at the former Ecuagran dock is temporary and for a period of 90 days, while the work for the definitive mooring at Las Esclusas is completed. He noted that these additional costs will not be assumed by the State, but will be covered in full by the contracting company, without affecting public finances.

At the moment, the vessel is connected to the Las Esclusas substation and, in coordination with CENACE, technical tests will be carried out in experimental operation. After that, commercial operation is expected to begin on Thursday or Friday.

The Vice Minister also pointed out that “this contract is part of the first block of emerging generation, which is already in the process of implementation, with the incorporation of 341 MW, through the rental of 100 MW in floating generation; and the purchase of: 100 MW in firm thermal generation in El Salitral; 91 MW in Esmeraldas and 50 megawatts in Quevedo.”

According to the contract, energy will be delivered through the Las Esclusas substation, owned by CELEC EP Transelectric, at a voltage level of 138 thousand volts.

The second block of contracts seeks to incorporate approximately 800 additional megawatts of power, which will allow the country to face the energy crisis and supply electricity during dry periods. CELEC EP already has the corresponding budget certification that will allow the bidding process to be launched in the next few days.

Contribution of private generation

During the press conference, Vice Minister Quintero also announced the approval by the Electricity Regulation and Control Agency (Arconel) of a new regulation that enables the private sector to provide emergency generators during the dry season, in exchange for an incentive that will cover operating costs, both fuel and maintenance.

“Starting tomorrow, interested parties can submit their applications to the distribution companies. The process takes about two weeks and they will be able to turn on their generators. The amounts generated by the energy they deliver will be deducted from their electricity bill, through a credit note,” explained the authority.

The National Government has drawn up a clear roadmap to resolve the energy crisis. In 10 months, it has prioritized investment in energy infrastructure at nearly USD 28 million, and continues to work on the processes that will allow over the coming months to overcome the energy deficit, which according to the Operator CENACE is 1,080 MW.

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