Press Release

Progress in the election process of the new Executive President of CABEI

Progress in the election process of the new Executive President of CABEI

This is an automated translation of the press release issued in Spanish

Tegucigalpa, October 10, 2023. Unlike other international organizations, the Constitutive Agreement of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration ( CABEI ) provides that its Executive President must be chosen from a shortlist selected based on a competition. As such, and having decided not to re-elect the current Executive President , first, an international public tender was carried out to select a firm of recognized prestige to carry out said tender process. Numerous firms of unquestionable reputation from countries that are not members of the Institution participated in this tender in order to avoid any bias, resulting in the selection of one of the most prestigious and recognized in the world, such as Heidrick & Struggles , New York office.

Subsequently, in strict compliance with the applicable regulations and the competition rules approved by the Board of Directors by unanimous vote, a broad public call was made for nationals of the founding countries of the Bank, who met the requirements of the position, to apply on their own initiative. sending your resume to an email account controlled by the consulting firm. This call, which began on June 26 and ended on September 15, was widely reported on social networks and the media, resulting in nearly 250 people, both men and women, applying for the position. Likewise, the Board of Directors formed a working group to supervise the process, made up of directors and technical and control units, also establishing contractual measures so that the firm is the only one that has access to the universe of candidates and carries out its work freely. of any influence.

Heidrick & Struggles is carrying out the interviews and evaluations necessary to form the list of six candidates that will be transmitted to the CABEI Board of Directors no later than October 13. When presenting this payroll, the firm must accompany a matrix containing a summary of the criteria considered for the evaluation of the analyzed resumes, in addition to certifying that it has verified the information that appears in the nominees' resume, that it has investigated their credit history , professional references, behavior on social networks and job performance, among other criteria, as well as that they have carried out different tests and investigations to ensure that they have the skills and abilities required to perform the position; as well as that the six candidates are the most qualified and that whoever is elected meets the profile of the position.

The Board of Directors will proceed to interview the proposed people during its session corresponding to the month of October of this year, which will begin on Monday, the 23rd of this month, to choose the shortlist that will be submitted to the Bank's Assembly of Governors for consideration. For this purpose, the Bank's Board of Directors has called an extraordinary meeting of the Board of Governors for next November 17.

On the other hand, it should be noted that the Board of Directors, as the body responsible for the management of the Bank and immediate superior of the Executive President, has approved a series of measures to ensure an orderly transition in the Executive Presidency, as well as for the operations of the Institution continue normally and that its personnel are not affected. All of this, with the purpose of ensuring continuity in the strategies and plans of the Institution approved by the Board of Directors.

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