Press Release

ProInversión achieved more than US$ 1,000 million in investment in six awards in the first half of 2023


This ProInversión release was published using machine translation.

Lima, July 3, 2023.- Between January and June 2023, the Private Investment Promotion Agency (PROINVERSIÓN) awarded six (6) projects under the modalities of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) and Asset Projects, for an approximate investment amount of US$ 1,000 million; figure higher than the award amount accumulated by the entity in the period 2019 - 2022 (US$ 656 million).

"In 2023 we are witnessing a year of the relaunch of PPP project awards and Asset Projects, this is the result of hard and articulated work that we have been developing with the ministries, authorities and the private sector, and meticulous technical work by the professionals of the entity that is making it possible to speed up and simplify the processes”, stressed the executive director of PROINVERSIÓN, José Salardi.

In the First Semester, the following six (6) projects have been awarded, in three bidding processes:

  • Ica - Poroma Electric Transmission Line and Jaén -a Cáclic Transmission Line (US$ 73 million), which will allow more than 370,000 people in the Ica, Cajamarca and Amazonas regions to access a reliable and quality electric power service.
  • The AWS-3 and 2.3 GHz Radio Spectrum Bands for internet and 4G mobile telephony (US$ 640 million), which will allow a total of 3,825 rural localities to experience an improvement and expansion of 4G mobile services (telephony and internet).
  • ESSALUD Specialized Hospitals in the cities of Piura and Chimbote (US$ 323 million), which will benefit more than 1.6 million ESSALUD policyholders in Piura, Tumbes and Áncash.

“This reactivation of PPP project awards is taking place in accordance with the recovery of the confidence of local and international private investors in the Peruvian economy and its performance in the medium and long term, since investments through PPPs are bets in the long term”, stressed the executive director of PROINVERSIÓN.


The goal for the Second Semester of 2023 is still challenging. PROINVERSIÓN plans to award 12 projects through the PPP modality and Projects in Assets for an amount greater than US$ 2,000 million.

Among the projects to be awarded in the Second Semester, eight (8) electrical projects with a total investment of more than US$ 1,200 million stand out. There is the Piura Nueva – Frontera Substation 500 kV Transmission Line project (US$ 223 million) that will provide energy supply security for Peru and Ecuador; and two (2) groups of seven (7) electrical projects in total: in the first group are the projects: Huánuco-Tocache-Celendín-Trujillo 500 kV Link and Celendín-Piura 500 kV Link, which require an estimated total investment amount of US$830 million; and the second group is made up of five (5) projects for an estimated investment of US$ 180 million, making up the Belaunde Terry 220 kV Link – North Tarapoto; 500 kV San José - Yarabamba link; ITC Link 220 kV Piura Nueva – Colán; ITC SE Lambayeque Norte 220 kV with sectioning; and Piura Este Substation. These projects will make it possible to meet the demand for energy in the south, north and northeast of the country.

Likewise, for the Second Semester of 2023, the entity plans to award, among others, the Ancón Industrial Park project, worth US$ 750 million, which will promote the economic and social development of Lima and generate 120,000 direct and indirect jobs; the Huancayo – Huancavelica Railway (US$ 263 million); and the New Port Terminal of San Juan de Marcona (US$ 410 million) whose declaration of interest is scheduled for the III Quarter of 2023; The proponent would be awarded if, after the 90-day term after the declaration of interest, no third party interested in the project appeared.

In this sense, for this year, PROINVERSIÓN renews its objective of awarding around 18 PPP projects and Projects in Assets for an amount greater than US$ 3,000 million, contributing to the generation of infrastructure and quality public services, to the reduction of gaps in different sectors and improving the development opportunities of Peruvians.

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