Press Release

PROINVERSIÓN: Alupar Perú was awarded five electrical projects with an estimated investment of US$ 441 million


ProInversion Statement

This is an automated translation of the press release issued in Spanish

In a public ceremony, the Private Investment Promotion Agency - PROINVERSIÓN awarded the company Alupar Perú SAC five electrical transmission and substation projects that will benefit 4 million inhabitants in Lima, Ica and Ayacucho, with an estimated investment of US$ 441 million.

These five electrical projects, grouped in Group 2, include the “500 kV Chilca CTM-Carabayllo Transmission Line - Third Circuit” (Lima); “New Bicentennial 500/220 kV Substation” (Lima); “Reconfiguration of the 220 kV Chavarría – Santa Rosa – Carapongo Link” (Lima); “New 220 kV Muyurina Substation, New Ayacucho Substation, 220 kV Muyurina-Ayacucho LT” (Ayacucho); and “Expansion of the Ica Electrical System Supply Capacity ( ITC Project )” (Ica).

The implementation of these projects will strengthen the supply of electricity, as well as provide greater reliability and transmission capacity for the benefit of industrial, commercial and service activities in Lima, Ica and Ayacucho.

They will be executed through the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) modality with a concession period of 30 years of commercial operation, plus the time required for the construction of each of the five electrical projects. The successful bidder will be responsible for the design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of the project for the concession period counted from the signing of the contract.

These five Group 2 units are part of the package of 18 electrical projects that the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM) commissioned to PROINVERSIÓN in February 2023 within the framework of the 2023-2032 Transmission Plan.

In June of this year, the agency awarded Group 1 of electric companies, consisting of three electrical projects (US$ 329 million) to benefit 1 million people in Ica and Arequipa.

Likewise, in October, Group 3 will be awarded, consisting of four electrical projects (US$ 134 million), which will benefit 2.3 million people in Lima, Arequipa, Apurímac and Puno.

Group 4, made up of three projects (US$ 101 million), will be awarded in the fourth quarter of 2024 and will benefit more than 700,000 people from Ucayali (Padre Abad and Coronel Portillo), Junín (Chanchamayo) and Áncash (Huaylas and Huaraz).

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