Press Release

Río Negro bets on the growth of technology development companies


By the Government of Río Negro

(Machine translation)

The state companies of Río Negro ALTEC and INVAP, purchased properties to establish their production base in the new Bariloche Industrial Technological Productive Park (PITBA).

Numerous companies in the sector have benefited and today project a sustained growth with the possibility of expanding their markets.

In the case of ALTEC, as anticipated by its executives, the company acquired an area of 10,000m2 within the park in which it plans to build its new factory and administrative offices.

In this regard, the president of Altec, Sergio Baroni, stressed that "without doubt it is a historic moment for the company. Having facilities within the most important technology park in the province demonstrates the growth that Altec has as a state company, as well as the potential of Río Negro to become, in the short term, a technological province."

The Industrial Technology Park of Bariloche comprises a total of 319 hectares, in which a unique productive technological urbanization will be built in the city. The same is specified with a provincial investment of $ 236,900,000, financed with funds from the Castello Plan.

The start-up of a park of these characteristics in the locality, will attract national and foreign investments, at the same time that it will act as a catalyst for the birth of new companies and the growth of existing ones.

It will also help generate new jobs and facilitate technology transfer between companies, as well as between research institutions and the business sector, among other great benefits for the local economy.

It should be remembered that in order to position Rio Negro as a High Tech province (high technology), in the tax law 2019, a tax reduction was imposed on technology-based companies, software developers and export of knowledge services.

The objective of the measure is to promote the creation of technology-based companies, enhance existing ones and encourage the development of research by professionals based in Río Negro.

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