Press Release

Sale of urea in Chuquisaca grows by 209% and YPFB enables a new point of sale

Sale of urea in Chuquisaca grows by 209% and YPFB enables a new point of sale

YPFB statement

This is an automated translation of the original press release issued in Spanish

Sucre, Jun 9, 2023 (AN-YPFB).- Between January and May 2023, Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos invoiced more than Bs 5.5 million for the sale of 28,236 bags of 50 kilos of granulated urea in the department of Chuquisaca, reported the president of YPFB, Armin Dorgathen Tapia.

"Sales registered between January and May of this year have already exceeded the total for 2022 by 209%. The opening of a new point of sale is due to the increase in demand for fertilizer in that region of the country," said Dorgathen Tapia. .

The new additional point of sale provides facilities to the small producer, as it guarantees the best results in agricultural production in regions such as Yotala, Totacoa, Anfaya, Betanzos, Pampas de Lequezana, Quivi Quivi and others.

The new point of sale is strategically located at the El Tejar Service Station, road to Yotala Km 5, Av. Chuquisaca, on the highway that connects the cities of Sucre and Potosí.

YPFB will sell urea in 50-kilo bags at Bs 179, an affordable price for small producers during the month of June. The state oil company promotes the opening of this point to coincide with the development of the National Potato Festival - Betanzos 2023, to be held in the town of Betanzos between June 10 and 11. At the event, YPFB will promote and disseminate the advantages and benefits of fertilizer in improving the productivity of agricultural crops.

The first point of sale located in the area of the oil district of the city of Sucre, sold 10,831 bags of 50 kilos of urea to small producers in the departments of Chuquisaca and Potosí, a scenario that allowed doubling the sales of the fertilizer that It is produced with state-of-the-art technology at the “Marcelo Quiroga Santa Cruz” Ammonia and Urea Plant, located in Bulo Bulo.

The most important crops in the department of Chuquisaca are corn, potatoes, wheat and barley, which are produced in the Chaco Chuquisaqueño regions and highland regions such as Tarabuco, Yamparáez and the Cintis region.

At the national level, the point of sale in Chuquisaca has a market share of 5% of total fertilizer sales, placing it in the second best point of sale in the country so far in 2023. The production area is approximately 95,000 hectares in the department, of which it is estimated that the potential consumption of urea is 6,500 tons per year.

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