Argentina , Brazil and Paraguay
Press Release

The Argentine Internet Chamber promotes regional connectivity in South America through its IXP network


By Cabase

This is an automated translation of the press release issued in Spanish

Buenos Aires, September 24, 2024. The Argentine Internet Chamber –CABASE- reported that it recently completed the interconnection process of the Internet Exchange Points (IXP) of São Paulo, Brazil and Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, to the National Network of Regional Traffic Exchange Points that the entity manages in Argentina.

The CABASE IXP network is today a key component of the country's critical Internet infrastructure, allowing for more efficient use of network resources. It hosts the CDNs (Content Delivery Networks) and caches of the most important content generators globally and makes the most in-demand content available closer to where users consume it, achieving a better browsing experience and more competitive connectivity costs.

The interconnection of IXP-SP (Brazil) and IXP-CDE (Paraguay) to the national IXP network of Argentina has substantially improved regional connectivity in South America by replicating the model achieved by CABASE in 2012 through the incorporation of ANTEL, the main communications company in Uruguay, as a full partner of the Chamber, which means that all its traffic passes through the CABASE network.

“The more IXPs from different countries in the Southern Cone we can interconnect, the more efficient the critical Internet infrastructure will be, in which operators from each country will be able to exchange traffic locally and thus radically lower their international connectivity costs, gain speed and have lower latency,” said Ariel Graizer, president of CABASE and of the Latin American and Caribbean Association of Internet Traffic Exchange Point Operators (LAC-IX).

Argentina is a world-class country in terms of its interconnection infrastructure due to the high level of development achieved by the CABASE National Network of Regional Internet Interconnection Points (IXP), as highlighted by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Internet Address Registry for Latin America and the Caribbean (LACNIC) and other leading organizations in various publications and reports that describe the state of the art of connectivity infrastructure in the region.

With 28 Regional IXPs currently in operation, the internet traffic exchange network at CABASE handles peaks of up to 6 Tbps.

The 28 IXPs of the CABASE network that are currently operational are located in Buenos Aires, Greater Buenos Aires North Zone, Rosario, Neuquén, Bahia Blanca, Mendoza, Santa Fe, La Costa District, Cordoba, La Plata, Mar del Plata, Posadas, Bariloche, Puerto Madryn, Junin, San Luis, Tucuman, Pergamino, Saenz Pena (Chaco), Jujuy, Salta, Tandil, Resistencia, San Juan, Viedma, Rio Gallegos, Rio Cuarto and Corrientes.

The improvement in regional connectivity achieved with this interconnection is correlated with lower latency in communications, since without direct connections between countries in the region, traffic often had to first pass through the Miami hub and then go down, and this meant a latency of around 120 milliseconds. With the interconnection between Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, communications between countries have approximate latencies of between 30 and 60 milliseconds.

About the Argentine Internet Chamber –CABASE–:

Founded in 1989, the Argentine Internet Chamber (CABASE) is the entity that brings together companies and organizations from the different verticals of the Internet ecosystem in Argentina. Providers of Internet access services, telephone and TV and entertainment services, telecommunications operators and carriers, cooperatives, platforms and online content providers, hosting services and data centers, universities, public organizations, intermediary entities, among other actors, make up this chamber characterized by innovation, diversity and its federal scope. Its members are present in the 500 most important cities in the country, providing broadband services to more than one and a half million customers and generating employment for more than 60,000 people directly and another 60,000 indirectly in its value chain.

At the international level, CABASE is a founding member of eCOM-LAC, LACNIC and LAC-IX. It also maintains a permanent and active participation in the main international organizations and forums related to the Internet and ICTs, such as ICANN, the World Summit on the Information Society, the Internet Governance Forum and the International Alliance of ISPs.

CABASE hosts a network of Internet Exchange Points (IXPs). The first national IXP is located in Buenos Aires, which is the national Internet traffic exchange point and was the first initiative of its kind in Latin America. It also has regional IXPs in Buenos Aires, GBA Zona Norte, Rosario, Neuquén, Bahía Blanca, Mendoza, Santa Fe, Partido de La Costa, Córdoba, La Plata, Mar del Plata, Posadas, Bariloche, Puerto Madryn, Junín, San Luis, Tucumán, Pergamino, Sáenz Peña (Chaco), Jujuy, Salta, Tandil, Resistencia, San Juan, Viedma, Río Gallegos, Río Cuarto and Corrientes, and plans to continue opening new IXPs in different locations throughout the country.

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