Brazil , Colombia , Venezuela , Paraguay , Chile , Peru , Uruguay , Mexico and Argentina

The Best of BNamericas Week

The Best of BNamericas Week

It was a loaded week full of oil sector news at BNamericas, with a new offering from Brazil, Mexico's 2020 budget allotted to the sector, and a key decision about whether to allow fracking in Colombia.

But there were developments in other sectors across the region as well, from the accelerated deterioration of the Argentine economy to the growing tension between Colombia and Venezuela.

Here we compile the news and reports that were among the most read by our thousands of subscribers.


Indigenous opposition keeps gas pipelines offline in Mexico

Brazil deems oil tender results as "birth of an industry"

The winners of the Brailian permanent offer

Oil optimism splashes Mexico 2020 budget

Vaca Muerta: will elections affect the premier shale play in Latin America?

Oil price freeze in Argentina harms Vaca Muerta SMEs

Colombian fracking freeze could sour investor mood

The critical importance of the Gasoducto Sur Peruano gas pipeline

Peru launches first call in four years

Latin America can become a 'global benchmark' for biofuels

NEW REPORT: Atlantic Allure: the Big Oil rush to Latin American deepwater basins


NEW REPORT: Junior Mining: The Struggle is Real. So is the Potential

Chile expects nearly US$34bn in mining investments

SQM allocates US$2.1bn for investment through 2023

AMLO will invest mining royalties in schools

Chilean miners urged to innovate in face of climate change


Baja California Sur to see additional 472MW power supply by 2022

FX volatility is the great risk for Argentine electric power companies

NEW REPORT: Geothermal power: A coming of age in Latin America?

Transmission a potential bottleneck for renewables in northeast Brazil


NEW REPORT: Latin America sparks investments in roads and highways

Who will benefit most from the Tehuantepec isthmus corridor?

AMLO budget insufficient to revive construction sector

Paraguay plans US$300mn highway PPP project tender

Project financing in Brazil could reach new heights


Why Chile is attracting new datacenter investments

A look at the main datacenter projects in Brazil

How Latin America is innovating with artificial intelligence


Reforms to Latin American tax systems

Latin America M&A activity trending down

Fintechs in Brazil: are they a real threat to big banks?

Mexican fintechs take aim at traditional banks


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  • Company: LT S.A.  (LT)
  • The description contained in this profile was taken directly from an official source and has not been edited or modified by BNamericas researchers, but may have been automatical...
  • Company: CDD Construcciones S.A.  (CDD Construcciones)
  • The Paraguayan firm CDD Construcciones S.A., founded in 1984 in Asunción, is engaged in civil, road, sanitation, hydraulic and port infrastructure and engineering projects. In t...
  • Company: Consorcio Concret-Mix y Asociados
  • Consorcio Concret-Mix y Asociados is a company formed by Concret-Mix SA and Ocho-A SA for the execution of the San Cristóbal-Naranjal-Ruta 6 Highway project, which is located in...