Press Release

The National Government complies with the popular mandate and begins the process of dismantling Block 43-ITT, in Orellana

The National Government complies with the popular mandate and begins the process of dismantling Block 43-ITT, in Orellana

The following is a machine translation of a Ministry of Energy and Mines release

On August 28, the National Government began the process of closing wells in Block 43-ITT, located in the province of Orellana, in compliance with the Popular Consultation held in August of last year, in which citizens voted in favor of the early closure and subsequent abandonment of this Block.

The Minister of Energy and Mines, Antonio Goncalves, together with the General Manager (S) of EP Petroecuador; Diego Guerrero and national authorities, proceeded with the shutdown of the first producing well. It is the Ishpingo B-56, a directional well, in which the shutdown and abandonment was carried out. As part of the actions, the extraction of the electro submersible equipment and the production pipe will proceed. In addition, cleaning work will be carried out on the well and; subsequently, cement plugs will be placed for the definitive abandonment of the structure.

With the closure of this well, production volume from Block 43 will be progressively reduced.

During his presentation, the head of this State portfolio stated that: “I have come to verify that the provisions of the Popular Consultation of last year are being complied with, where the citizens voted in favor of closing this field. Complying with the closure of the ITT is not an easy job, it requires special and technical planning, for which I want to thank the workers who operate this field, who have adhered to this action plan to comply with what was requested at the polls.”

“As the Ecuadorian government, after several committee meetings, where we have carefully planned a schedule for closing the 247 wells, a work plan has been prioritized for this compliance, which we recommend be done within a period of 5 years and 5 months, adequate time so that all the interventions carried out do not affect the environment and much less the surrounding communities,” he said.

Diego Guerrero, acting general manager of EP Petroecuador, said that the company's technicians will work to meet the agreed schedules.

During the closing of the Ishpingo B-56 well, the following people also participated: the Vice Minister of Hydrocarbons, Cristina Mogollón, the Director of Political Articulation delegated by the Ministry of Government, Alegría Pérez de Anda, the Manager of Exploration and Production of Petroecuador, Ramiro De los Reyes, among other authorities.

Block 43-ITT, made up of the areas of Ishpingo, Tiputini, and Tambococha, has 247 wells between producers and reinjectors. Its development began more than 10 years ago.

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