Mexico , El Salvador , Colombia , Dominican Republic and Brazil

The top 6 advanced-stage LNG projects in Latin America

The top 6 advanced-stage LNG projects in Latin America

BNamericas profiles six of Latin America’s most important LNG liquefaction and regasification projects, which are expected to require combined capital expenditure of almost US$4bn. 

1. Energía Costa Azul liquefaction project

Location: Baja California, Mexico

Owner: Energía Costa Azul 

Stage: Under construction

Capex: US$2bn

The Energía Costa Azul liquefaction project will be developed at the existing Energía Costa Azul LNG terminal in Baja California state. It will liquify up to 36.8Mm3/d (million cubic meters a day).

2. Regasificador del Pacífico (Pacific LNG)

Location: Buenaventura, Colombia

Contracting authority: Mines and energy ministry of Colombia

Stage: Tendering

Capex: US$650mn to US$1bn

Earmarked for the Pacific port of Buenaventura, the project comprises a 200,000m3-capacity LNG storage and regasification facility and a 120km pipeline to transport up to 400Mf3/d (million cubic feet per day) to Yumbo, on the northern outskirts of Cali.

3. Suape LNG terminal

Location: Suape port, Pernambuco, Brazil

Owner: Hygo Energy Transition Brasil

Stage: Tendering

Capex: US$344mn

The project calls for the installation of a 290m-long LNG vessel, which will dock at the multi-purpose wharf of the Suape port and will supply the LNG for truck-mounted isocontainers, which will distribute to cities within a radius of up to 1,000km. The LNG will also be distributed from Suape to other Brazilian states through cabotage. The project provides natural gas supply infrastructure for power generation, in addition to meeting the demands of industries, commerce, CNG/LNG stations and households.

4. Andrés LNG

Location: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Owner: Energía Natural Dominicana

Stage: Under construction

Capex: US$250mn

The project entails the construction of a second liquefied natural gas tank within the AES Andrés generation park, which seeks to guarantee energy security and expand the use of natural gas to other regions of the country and for its re-export.

5. São Paulo regasification terminal

Location: Santos, Brazil

Owner: Terminal de Regaseificação de GNL de São Paulo

Stage: Under construction

Capex: US$140mn

The project comprises an LNG import terminal with storage capacity of 173,000m3 and regasification capacity of 14Mm3/d. The terminal is part of the Baixada Santista gas reinforcement initiative, which also includes a gas pipeline.

6. Barcarena LNG

Location: Port of Vila do Conde, Pará state, Brazil.

Owner: Centrais Elétricas Barcarena

Stage: Under construction

Capex: US$121mn

The project involves the construction of a 15Mm3/d-capacity LNG regasification terminal that will serve the Novo Tempo Barcarena thermoelectric plant. It will also deliver gas to other consumers via an associated pipeline.

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