Over 12.4bn pesos to be invested to complete 38 school projects in Tucumán

Statement from the Government of the Province of Tucumán
This is an automated translation of the press release issued in Spanish
The Minister of Education, Susana Montaldo, together with the Secretary of State for Administrative Management, Rodolfo Bunader Valperga, highlighted the efforts made by the governor, Osvaldo Jaldo, before the Infrastructure area of the Ministry of Education of the Nation, which resulted in an agreement by which the province will be responsible for the completion of 21 school works for an amount of $3.2 billion pesos and the Nation will continue financing 17 more works for an amount of $9.2 billion, which will make it possible to resume work who were paralyzed.
Regarding the agreement that is key for the Tucumán educational system, Montaldo explained: “the truth is that we are very happy. Celebrating that an agreement has been signed between the governor of the province, Osvaldo Jaldo, and the Education Infrastructure authorities of the Nation” and pointed out: “We have achieved a good agreement because when we assume the government, in the year 2023, we We found a number of schools with different situations, some demolished and work had been suspended and others with progress of 5% or 20%, depending on the case. "A wide variety of very problematic situations because some works were suspended for the entire year, others since March and July."
And he explained: “for us it is very good news that thanks to the efforts that the governor makes with the authorities of the Nation, we have been able to reach this consensus, this agreement so that we can continue the works in the schools that have already been completed. they had started. Some were at 2% and others at 70% progress. "A great variety of situations and reaching this agreement today so that 50 or 60% of them, making the effort between Province and Nation, can continue to finish some of them this year and others for the next school year."
For his part, Bunader explained: “at the beginning of our management we found 52 or more works that were contracted by the province with different companies but that were financed by the Nation. All these works were paralyzed and without financing at that time. So this situation had to be reconverted and an agreement was reached between the Governor and the national authorities of the Infrastructure Directorate to reactivate the vast majority of these works.”
In that sense, he pointed out: “The result of this agreement is that the province is going to be responsible for the completion of 21 works and the Nation is going to continue financing 17 more works. We have already covered more than 75% of the works that were contracted and paralyzed, and we are putting them into activity. It is very important because the province is going to contribute an amount of $3.2 billion for the completion of these works and the Nation is going to make a contribution of around $9.2 billion for the continuation of the works that are paralyzed.”
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