Press Release

Undersecretary of Public Works signs an agreement to transfer MOP resources to execute Caupolicán road project

Undersecretary of Public Works signs an agreement to transfer MOP resources to execute Caupolicán road project

This is an automated translation of the original release published in Spanish.

Statement from the Ministry of Public Works of Chile

During a visit to the capital of the La Araucanía region, authorities Carolina Tohá, Minister of the Interior and Public Security; José Andrés Herrera, Undersecretary of Public Works, and the mayor of the Municipality of Temuco, Roberto Neira, signed an agreement for the transfer of resources and execution of the “Capolicán Road Project.”

This agreement establishes the way in which the MOP will participate in the project, as explained by Undersecretary Herrera during the signing ceremony, pointing out that with this act “we take a first step that will allow, among other things, the role of the Ministry of Public Works to be defined, which will fundamentally act as a technical counterpart and also transfer funds to the municipality, so that the municipality in turn delivers it to Serviu and, in this way, begin the process of updating the engineering, the new anti-seismic regulations and at the same time contribute to the expropriation process, which is essential to start this important investment project.

The works will include burying the underpasses at the intersections of Avenida Caupolicán with San Martín and O'Higgins streets to give greater fluidity and safety to traffic, improving the connectivity of the western sector of the city of Temuco with its center.

The works also consider improvements to the Caupolicán road between Manuel Rodríguez and León Gallo streets, improving the flow of vehicles that circulate in this area. The start of the project is planned for 2024, a period in which the expropriations of about 36 lots and consultations will be carried out. At the end of 2025, the works themselves are expected to begin, which will have an extension of 2.2 km and will require an investment of more than 36 billion pesos.

Given its size, impact on the development of the city and the fact that the benefitting population will be more than 263,165 people, the project is considered one of the largest urban interventions, together with others that are being developed in the regional capital.

The mayor underscored this work as having a very important impact for Temuco and gave thanks for this investment, as well as the previous efforts made by the current government during its administration through the coordinated work of its ministries and institutions, which have meant a great investment for the improvement and development in this regional capital. “Knocking on the doors of the ministries for this mayor, and I tell this to the residents, has not been in vain. Yesterday I had a meeting with the SUBDERE in Santiago, at La Moneda, and I told the SUBDERE, and I am telling you, Minister, thank the President of the Republic on my behalf for the investment of the 171 billion pesos,” said Roberto Neira.

Agreeing on this point, Minister Tohá highlighted what has been done in the area as a product of collaborative, planned work and good projects. "I believe that here in Temuco, in this combination of initiatives of different natures, some road works, others in housing, others institutional, what is being sought is specifically to give this city a projection, a future attached to an identity and also trying to recover this very important role of being the capital of the region of La Araucanía."

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