US-Mexico trade talks resume with Videgaray visit
Mexican foreign relations minister Luis Videgaray was due to meet with US secretary of state Rex Tillerson and homeland security chief John Kelly Wednesday in a proximate step towards getting US-Mexico trade negotiations back on track.
The discussions set to take place in Washington DC come after President Enrique Peña Nieto's abrupt cancellation of a scheduled visit in a high-profile dispute between the Mexican leader and US President Donald Trump.
The fate of the decades-old Nafta free trade agreement will be at the center of the talks, which should also address concerns over immigration and cross-border security. However, it remains unclear whether any progress will be made on a key sticking point over who will pay Trump's massive border wall.
Tensions are high in Mexico related to the wall, the potential loss in foreign direct investment and a proposed 20% border adjustment tax on Mexican goods, compounded by existing economic woes in the country, including highly unpopular hikes in fuel prices that have sparked nationwide protests.
Interior minister Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong has also indicated he is working with the newly appointed Tillerson to soon establish a round of talks in Mexico City.
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