Press Release

World Bank approves financing of $us 125 million for rural electrification in Bolivia

World Bank approves financing of $us 125 million for rural electrification in Bolivia

This Ministry of Hydrocarbons and Energy release was published using machine translation.

UCOM MHE 11-17-2023.- The World Bank board of directors approved this Friday the Project to Improve Sustainable Access to Electricity in Bolivia: Decentralized Infrastructure for Rural Transformation (IDTR III) with financing of $us 125 million, which will allow increase electrical coverage in rural areas of the country.

“The financing is a great achievement, we hope that our Legislative Assembly has the political will to approve it, thus allowing the execution of the electrification of the Economic and Social Development Plan 2021-2025,” said the Minister of Hydrocarbons and Energy, Franklin Molina, in relation to the importance of the project, which seeks to increase electricity coverage from 84% to 95%.

This project will be executed in the departments of Potosí, Tarija, Santa Cruz, Beni and Pando, and will benefit around 30,345 homes with the implementation of electrical distribution networks and hybrid systems (solar, diesel and batteries). It will also reach another 9,609 beneficiaries, including families, health centers and educational units, through individual photovoltaic systems.

The Vice Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy, dependent on the Ministry of Hydrocarbons and Energy, manages the consolidation of a portfolio of projects and carries out socialization processes with various actors, such as departmental and municipal governments, social organizations and indigenous peoples.

This effort aims to reach every home in rural areas, ensuring that the expansion of electric services is inclusive and covers all communities. Active collaboration with different levels of government and community participation are key elements to bring electricity to all corners of the country and improve the quality of life of its inhabitants.

The Government's electrification plan reached a significant milestone by securing the necessary financing, which represents a notable achievement for the country. Now, the next crucial step falls to the Plurinational Legislative Assembly, which has the responsibility of approving financing to launch the execution of the electrification plan projected for the year 2025.

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